
How To Update .org Files Using Spacemacs

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Org layer

Table of ContentsClose

  • 1. Description
    • 1.1. Features:
  • two. BibTeX
  • iii. Of import Annotation
  • iv. Install
    • Layer
    • 4.2. TODO dependencies
    • 4.three. Agenda notifications
    • 4.4. Agenda recommendations
    • 4.five. GitHub support
    • 4.half dozen. Twitter Bootstrap support
    • 4.7. Gnuplot support
    • 4.eight. Reveal.js support
    • 4.9. Org-contacts support
      • V-Card import/export
    • 4.10. Org-journal support
    • 4.eleven. Hugo back up
    • 4.12. Trello support
    • four.thirteen. Different bullets
    • 4.14. Projection back up
    • 4.15. Org-brain support
    • 4.xvi. Org-roam support
      • 4.sixteen.1. Org-roam-ui support
      • four.xvi.2. Org-roam-protocol support
    • 4.17. Mode line support
    • iv.xviii. Pasty header support
    • four.19. Epub support
    • 4.20. Jira support
    • 4.21. Valign support
    • 4.22. Org-announced support
    • four.23. Transclusion support
    • iv.24. Verb support
    • four.25. AsciiDoc back up
    • four.26. Spacemacs layout integration
  • v. Fundamental bindings
    • 5.1. Starting org-fashion
    • 5.ii. Toggles
    • 5.iii. Org-way
    • 5.iv. Org with evil-org-way
    • 5.5. Tables
    • Copse
    • Element insertion
    • 5.viii. Links
    • 5.9. Babel / Source Blocks
      • five.9.ane. Org Babel Transient State
    • 5.10. Emphasis
    • 5.xi. Navigating in agenda
    • 5.12. Capture buffers and src blocks
    • 5.13. Org agenda
      • Primal bindings
      • 5.xiii.ii. Org agenda transient country
    • v.14. Pomodoro
    • 5.fifteen. Presentation
    • 5.16. Helm-org-rifle
    • 5.17. Org-projectile
    • five.18. Org-journal
    • 5.nineteen. Org-encephalon
      • five.19.1. Application bindings
      • 5.nineteen.2. org-fashion bindings
      • 5.19.3. Visualization bindings
    • 5.xx. Org-jira
    • 5.21. Verb
      • 5.21.1. Verb-mode bindings
      • 5.21.2. Verb-response-torso-mode bindings
      • 5.21.3. Verb-response-headers-manner bindings
    • v.22. Org-roam
    • five.23. Transclusion


1. Description

This layer enables org mode for Spacemacs.

2. BibTeX

For more than extensive support of references through BibTeX files, have a expect at the BibTeX layer.

3. Important Annotation

Since version 0.300, spacemacs uses the org version from the ELPA repository instead of the 1 shipped with emacs. Then, any org related code should not be loaded before dotspacemacs/user-config, otherwise both versions will exist loaded and will conflict.

Because of autoloading, calling to org functions will trigger the loading upwardly of the org shipped with emacs which will induce conflicts. Ane mode to avoid conflict is to wrap your org config lawmaking in a with-eval-after-load block similar this:

(with-eval-after-load                'org         )              

Please also annotation that everything described here only applies if y'all install this layer instead of manually loading org as separate emacs package.

If this is not done you volition encounter a lot of unbind key exceptions while working with org. More than details can be institute here.

4. Install Layer

To use this configuration layer: in the main Spacemacs configuration file (~/.spacemacs), to the existing dotspacemacs-configuration-layers list add the org entry.

4.2. TODO dependencies

If you would similar to enforce dependencies in your TODO hierarchy, this layer has some sane default configurations to endeavour via its org-todo-dependencies-strategy configuration variable.

Setting information technology to 'naive-auto, will cause an entry to switch to Washed when all its subentries are washed, and to TODO otherwise. This does not event in actress prompts for the user, but doesn't piece of work well with more workflow states considering of the literal DONE and TODO; it is an excellent identify for beginners and minimalists:

(setq-default                  dotspacemacs-configuration-layers '(   (org                  :variables                  org-todo-dependencies-strategy 'naive-auto)))                

Setting it to 'semiauto, will cause the user to be prompted to change an entry's state when the country of the subentries imply it: that is, when they are either all done while information technology is yet a todo, or the when they are all nonetheless todo's while information technology is washed. This assumes next to zippo nearly your workflow states (it does not use literal TODO and DONE), but may result in additional, possibly surprising, prompting for the user; and it has no intelligence to try to make up one's mind the destination state. It is a good affair to endeavor if 'naive-auto does non attain what you need:

(setq-default                  dotspacemacs-configuration-layers '(   (org                  :variables                  org-todo-dependencies-strategy 'naive-auto)))                

If neither of these suffice for y'all, org-mode can be configured direct by setting org-enforce-todo-dependencies to t and writing your own function to register on the org-after-todo-statistics-claw. The layer implementation is a adept reference.

4.3. Agenda notifications

To enable notifications for agenda events, set up the variable org-enable-notifications to t.

(setq-default                  dotspacemacs-configuration-layers '(   (org                  :variables                  org-enable-notifications t        org-offset-notification-daemon-on-startup t)))                

This will install and configure the org-wild-notifier package. After install, run the org-wild-notifier-manner to start the org-wild-notifier notification daemon. To start the notification daemon automatically on Spacemacs startup, set the variable org-start-notification-daemon-on-startup to t as shown in the code snippet above.

Check the documentation for how org-wild-notifier can exist configured (org-wild-notifier uses the alert package for showing notifications. On GNU/linux and Windows, using warning's notifications style is recommended. Note also this outcome). Add your preferred alarm style to dotspacemacs/user-config with:

(setq                  warning-default-mode 'notifications)                

Press M-S RET to enter a todo headline and then press , d t to add a timestamp to the headline (using , d t requires the diary-file variable to point to an existing file, see Agenda recommendations. You tin can as well use the org-journal-new-scheduled-entry that becomes available by enabling org-journal support). By default, the org-wild-notifier package will browse your org-agenda-files (every minute) for TODO headlines that include a timestamp (configuration options are documented here). The default configuration shows a notification 10 minutes before the event using the alert package. The default behavior tin can be configured via the org-wild-notifier-alert-fourth dimension variable. The notification type can be configured via the the alarm bundle its configuration settings. Additional notification times can exist added using the :WILDNOTIFIER NOTIFY Earlier: keyword (note that this additionally requires a SCHEDULED: stamp). Properties tin be added with , i p.

4.iv. Agenda recommendations

Emacs comes with its ain diary package included. It is recommended not to use the diary straight. Instead of creating a diary file, create a file and set up the diary-file variable to point to that file. To make the holidays, birthdays etc. from the diary show upwards in the agenda, add the diary-manner expression entries to your file every bit shown in the code cake of the Calendar/Diary integration section here.

Subsequently, to add appointments to the calendar you could employ the post-obit syntax:

                  * Friday, 04/02/2021                  ** Date 1                  <2021-04-02 Friday 10:10>                  ** TODO Appointment 2                  <2021-04-02 Fri x:11>                

or just use the org journal organization. Outside org-journal you can however use org-journal-insert-header-at-bespeak to create the date headers. In the source cake higher up, the starting time appointment will but prove up in the agenda. If org-wild-notifier is configured, then the second engagement volition also trigger a notification 10 minutes (by default) before its due time (see Agenda notifications).

iv.5. GitHub back up

To install GitHub related extensions like ox-gfm to consign to GitHub flavored markdown set the variable org-enable-github-support to t.

(setq-default                  dotspacemacs-configuration-layers '(   (org                  :variables                  org-enable-github-back up t)))                

4.half-dozen. Twitter Bootstrap support

To enable the export to Twitter Bootstrap-formatted HTML - set the variable org-enable-bootstrap-support to t. This would install the ox-twbs extension.

(setq-default                  dotspacemacs-configuration-layers '(   (org                  :variables                  org-enable-bootstrap-support t)))                

4.7. Gnuplot support

Org-mode supports the plotting of information within tables through Gnuplot every bit demonstrated here.

Unfortunately, this is non terribly well supported on Windows, at this stage. To disable the configuration of gnuplot support - add the gnuplot package to your dotspacemacs-excluded-packages variable.

4.8. Reveal.js back up

To enable the consign of org files as a reveal.js presentation - set the variable org-enable-reveal-js-support to t. This would install the org-re-reveal Emacs extension.

(setq-default                  dotspacemacs-configuration-layers  '((org                  :variables                  org-enable-reveal-js-back up t)))                

And then the extension needs to be pointed to the reveal.js itself. Then download reveal.js and point org-re-reveal-root to the path, as information technology described in the manual.

Alternatively, add together the following line to each .org file you want to process:


4.x. Org-journal support

org-journal is a unproblematic journal management arrangement that:

  • Keeps a separate journal file for each twenty-four hours inside a directory
  • New daily file would always drift entries with called TODO states
  • Has periodical encryption functionality
  • Easily integrates with org-agenda and Emacs calendar, iCalendar, allows scheduling
  • Easily integrates with org-capture

To install org-periodical - set the variable org-enable-org-periodical-support to t.

(setq-default                  dotspacemacs-configuration-layers '(   (org                  :variables                  org-enable-org-periodical-support t)))                

Past default, periodical files are stored in ~/Documents/journal/. To override this - fix org-journal-dir variable in the dotspacemacs/user-config:

(setq                  org-journal-dir                  "~/org/periodical/")                

To modify the journal file name format - modify org-journal-file-format:

(setq                  org-journal-file-format                  "%Y-%thousand-%d")                

Alarm: setting org-journal-file-format to include a file extension like would suspension the agenda search functionality.

By default, journal files are started with a first level heading (*) followed by the date in the form set past locale. To format periodical files differently:

  • change org-journal-appointment-prefix and org-journal-date-format. For example, to have new journal files created with this header:

    #+TITLE: Tuesday, September 06 2016                  
  • define the post-obit in dotspacemacs/user-config:

    (setq                      org-journal-engagement-prefix                      "#+TITLE: ") (setq                      org-journal-date-format                      "%A, %B %d %Y")                    

The default entry is a second level heading (=** =) followed by a timestamp. If you start your journal files with a Title every bit shown to a higher place you lot may desire to adjust entries to kickoff at the first level heading and you lot may desire to change or omit the timestamp.

(setq                  org-periodical-fourth dimension-prefix                  "* ") (setq                  org-journal-time-format                  "")                

Any of the org-journal settings tin can be configured in dotspacemacs/user-config or divers alongside the layer itself.

For example:

(setq-default                  dotspacemacs-configuration-layers '(   (org                  :variables                  org-enable-org-journal-support t       org-journal-dir                  "~/org/journal/"                  org-periodical-file-format                  "%Y-%m-%d"                  org-journal-engagement-prefix                  "#+TITLE: "                  org-journal-date-format                  "%A, %B %d %Y"                  org-journal-fourth dimension-prefix                  "* "                  org-journal-time-format                  "") )                

4.xi. Hugo support

To install the Org exporter ox-hugo that generates Hugo -compatible Markdown plus TOML/YAML front-matter, set the variable org-enable-hugo-support to t.

(setq-default                  dotspacemacs-configuration-layers '(   (org                  :variables                  org-enable-hugo-support t)))                

4.12. Trello support

To install Trello support set the variable org-enable-trello-back up to t.

(setq-default                  dotspacemacs-configuration-layers '(   (org                  :variables                  org-enable-trello-back up t)))                

four.13. Dissimilar bullets

You tin can tweak the bullets displayed in the org buffer in the function dotspacemacs/user-config of your dotfile by setting the variable org-superstar-headline-bullets-list. Past default the list is set to ("◉" "○" "✸" "✿").

(setq                  org-superstar-bullet-list '("■"                  "◆"                  "▲"                  "▶"))                

Yous tin can disable the fancy bullets entirely by adding org-superstar to dotspacemacs-excluded-packages.

(dotspacemacs-excluded-packages '(org-superstar))                

4.14. Projection support

Set the layer variable org-projectile-file to the filename where you desire to store project-specific TODOs. If this is an absolute path, all todos volition be stored in the aforementioned file (organized past project), whereas if it is just a single filename, todos volition be stored in each project root.

(setq-default                  dotspacemacs-configuration-layers   '((org                  :variables                  org-projectile-file                  "")))                

The TODO files are not added to the agenda automatically. You can exercise this with the following snippet.

(with-eval-after-load                  'org-agenda   (require                  'org-projectile)   (mapcar '(lambda (file)                  (when                  (file-exists-p file)                    (push                  file org-calendar-files)))           (org-projectile-todo-files)))                

4.16. Org-roam support

To install org-roam support ready the variable org-enable-roam-support to t.

(setq-default                  dotspacemacs-configuration-layers '(   (org                  :variables                  org-enable-roam-support t)))                

More information about org-roam package (including manual) can be found at Org-roam website.

4.16.i. Org-roam-ui support

To install support for org-roam-ui set up the variable org-enable-roam-ui to t.

Use M-x org-roam-ui-mode to enable the global mode. Information technology will start a web browser and connect to it for real-time updates.

four.16.2. Org-roam-protocol support

To enable support for Org Roam Protocol set the variable org-enable-roam-protocol to t.

(setq-default                    dotspacemacs-configuration-layers '(   (org                    :variables                    org-enable-roam-protocol t)))                  

And create a desktop file as described in the org-roam manual.

4.17. Fashion line support

To temporarily enable manner line display of org clock, press SPC t m c.

To permanently enable style line display of org clock, add this snippet to your dotspacemacs/user-config function:

(setq                  spaceline-org-clock-p t)                

4.xix. Epub support

To install the Org exporter ox-epub that generates east-book file format epub, set up the variable org-enable-epub-support to t.

(setq-default                  dotspacemacs--configuration-layers               '((org                  :variables                  org-enable-epub-back up t)))                

4.20. Jira support

To bring Jira and OrgMode together over org-jira prepare the variable org-enable-jira-support to t.

(setq-default                  dotspacemacs-configuration-layers '(   (org                  :variables                  org-enable-jira-support t        jiralib-url                  "")))                

If y'all would like to avoid being prompted for your login and countersign each time you connect, add your hallmark credentials to ~/.authinfo.gpg or ~/.authinfo:

machine yourcompany.atlassian.internet login countersign yourPassword port 443                

4.22. Org-announced back up

To install org-appear, which toggles visibility of accent markers, links, subscripts, and superscripts in org way, fix the org-enable-appear-support to t:

(setq-default                  dotspacemacs-configuration-layers  '((org                  :variables                  org-enable-appear-support t)))                

If yous prepare org-announced-trigger to manual and your editing style is vim or hybrid, org-announced is turned on in insert mode only not in normal mode.

4.23. Transclusion back up

To install org-transclusion, which allows you lot to include a view of another file via a file link or an ID lin, set the org-enable-transclusion-support to t:

(setq-default                  dotspacemacs-configuration-layers  '((org                  :variables                  org-enable-transclusion-support t)))                

4.24. Verb support

To install Verb, an HTTP client based on Org mode, gear up the org-enable-verb-back up variable to t:

(setq-default                  dotspacemacs-configuration-layers  '((org                  :variables                  org-enable-verb-support t)))                

four.25. AsciiDoc support

To install Org exporter ox-asciidoc, that generates AsciiDoc documents, set up the variable org-enable-asciidoc-support to t.

(setq-default                  dotspacemacs-configuration-layers   '((org                  :variables                  org-enable-asciidoc-support t)))                

4.26. Spacemacs layout integration

A Spacemacs custom layout @Org is defined past the layer and accessible via SPC l o. The startup behavior tin be customized with the following layer variables:

  • org-persp-startup-org-file Defines the org file buffer that should exist opened subsequently startup. Defaults to the outset file in org-agenda-files, if org-persp-startup-org-file is set to nil.
  • org-persp-startup-with-calendar If non-nil, sets initial buffer to the specified (custom) org-agenda buffer, e.k. (setq org-persp-startup-with-agenda "a") opens org-agenda-list.

5. Fundamental bindings

5.1. Starting org-mode

Key binding Description
SPC a o # org agenda list stuck projects
SPC a o / org occur in calendar files
SPC a o a org agenda listing
SPC a o c org capture
SPC a o e org shop agenda views
SPC a o f i org feed goto inbox
SPC a o f u org feed update all
SPC a o C c org cancel clock
SPC a o C k org goto last clocked-in clock (go to specific recent clock with SPC u)
SPC a o C i org clock in
SPC a o C I org clock in last
SPC a o C j org jump to electric current clock
SPC a o C o org clock out
SPC a o C r org resolve clocks
SPC a o 50 org store link
SPC a o thousand org tags view
SPC a o o org calendar
SPC a o s org search view
SPC a o t org todo list
SPC C c org-capture

5.ii. Toggles

Key binding Clarification
SPC m T c org-toggle-checkbox
SPC one thousand T e org-toggle-pretty-entities
SPC thousand T i org-toggle-inline-images
SPC one thousand T n org-num-mode
SPC m T l org-toggle-link-display
SPC yard T t org-bear witness-todo-tree
SPC chiliad T T org-todo
SPC 1000 T V toggle space-md-style a read-only view style
SPC m T 10 org-preview-latex-fragment

5.iii. Org-mode

Key binding Description
SPC m <dotspacemacs-major-mode-leader-fundamental> org-ctrl-c-ctrl-c
SPC yard * org-ctrl-c-star
SPC m RET org-ctrl-c-ret
SPC m - org-ctrl-c-minus
~SPC k '​~ org-edit-special
SPC m a org-calendar
SPC m A org-attach
SPC m c org-capture
SPC g C c org-clock-cancel
SPC m C d Temporarily show clock times for current file
SPC one thousand C e org-evaluate-fourth dimension-range
SPC one thousand C g org-clock-goto
SPC m C i org-clock-in
SPC thousand C I org-clock-in-concluding
SPC m C j Jump to the current clock
SPC m C o org-clock-out
SPC thou C R Insert clock report
SPC m C r org-resolve-clocks
SPC m d d org-deadline
SPC m d south org-schedule
SPC yard d t org-time-postage
SPC grand d T org-time-stamp-inactive
SPC m e due east org-consign-dispatch
SPC g due east m send current buffer as HTML email message
SPC m f i org-feed-goto-inbox
SPC m f u org-feed-update-all
SPC thou l org-open up-at-point
SPC g L org-shiftright
SPC yard H org-shiftleft
SPC m K org-shiftup
SPC chiliad J org-shiftdown
SPC m C-Due south-l org-shiftcontrolright
SPC m C-S-h org-shiftcontrolleft
SPC k C-South-j org-shiftcontroldown
SPC chiliad C-S-g org-shiftcontrolup
SPC southward j spacemacs/bound-in-buffer (jump to a heading)

5.iv. Org with evil-org-mode

Please encounter the evil-org documentation for boosted instructions on customizing evil-org-mode.

Insert state In evil insert-state, use the introspection functions under Chiliad-m h d and Thousand-RET to discover key bindings. The post-obit table shows keybindings for some of the near frequently used commands

Key binding Description
M-RET M-RET org-meta-return (dwim retrun)
M-h/l org-meta-left/right (eastward.thou. promote/demote heading)

Normal state

Key binding Description
gj / gk Side by side/previous element (heading)
gh / gl Parent/child element (heading)
gH Root heading
ae Element text object
ar Subtree text object
Yard-j / M-thousand Move heading
One thousand-h / M-fifty Promote or demote heading
One thousand-J / M-K Move subtree
Grand-H / M-Fifty Promote or demote subtree
>> / << Promote or demote heading

If the layer variable org-want-todo-bindings is true, the post-obit bindings are also bachelor.

Key bindings Description
t Cycle TODO land of current heading
T Insert new TODO heading
K-t Insert new TODO sub-heading

5.5. Tables

Fundamental bounden Description
SPC m t a Align the table at point by adjustment all vertical bars
SPC m t b Blank the current table field or active region
SPC m t c Catechumen from org-fashion table to table.el and back
SPC m t d c Delete a column from the table
SPC thousand t d r Delete the electric current row or horizontal line from the tabular array
SPC g t east Replace the table field value at the cursor by the result of a calculation
SPC m t East Export table to a file, with configurable format
SPC m t f Show table field info
SPC m t h Go to the previous field in the table
SPC m t H Move cavalcade to the left
SPC m t i c Insert a new column into the table
SPC grand t i h Insert a horizontal-line below the current line into the tabular array
SPC m t i H Insert a hline and move to the row below that line
SPC m t i r Insert a new row above the current line into the table
SPC k t I Import a file as a tabular array
SPC k t j Go to the next row (aforementioned column) in the electric current tabular array
SPC m t J Motility tabular array row downward
SPC yard t M Move table row up
SPC m t 50 Get to the adjacent field in the current table, creating new lines every bit needed
SPC m t L Motility column to the right
SPC yard t north Query for a size and insert a tabular array skeleton
SPC grand t North Utilize the tabular array.el bundle to insert a new table
SPC m t p Plot the table using org-plot/gnuplot
SPC thousand t r Recalculate the current table line by applying all stored formulas
SPC chiliad t R Recalculate all tables in the current buffer by applying all stored formulas
SPC thousand t s Sort tabular array lines according to the column at point
SPC thousand t t f Toggle the formula debugger in tables
SPC m t t o Toggle the display of Row/Cavalcade numbers in tables
SPC thousand t due west Wrap several fields in a cavalcade like a paragraph

5.6. Copse

Key binding Description
gj / gk Next/previous element (heading)
gh / gl Parent/child chemical element (heading)
gH Root heading
ae Element text object
ar Subtree text object
M-j / Thou-1000 Motility heading
M-h / Thousand-l Promote or demote heading
M-J / M-K Move subtree
M-H / M-Fifty Promote or demote subtree
>> / << Promote or bench heading
TAB org-cycle
SPC m s a Toggle archive tag for subtree
SPC chiliad s A Archive subtree
SPC one thousand due south b org-tree-to-indirect-buffer
SPC m due south d org-cutting-subtree
SPC g s y org-copy-subtree
SPC yard s p org-paste-subtree
SPC one thousand south l org-bench-subtree
SPC one thousand due south h org-promote-subtree
SPC thou due south chiliad org-move-subtree-up
SPC m s j org-move-subtree-downward
SPC m s n org-narrow-to-subtree
SPC m due south w widen narrowed subtree
SPC m s r org-refile
SPC m s due south show sparse tree
SPC m due south S sort trees

v.7. Element insertion

Key binding Description
C-RET Insert heading at end of electric current subtree
C-S-RET Insert TODO heading at end of electric current subtree
SPC m i d org-insert-drawer
SPC m i D s Have screenshot
SPC m i D y Yank image url
SPC one thousand i east org-set-attempt
SPC m i f org-insert-footnote
SPC 1000 i h org-insert-heading
SPC m i H org-insert-heading-after-current
SPC yard i i org-insert-item
SPC m i G spacemacs/insert-keybinding-org
SPC grand i l org-insert-link
SPC m i L insert URL with its folio championship from clipboard
SPC m i n org-add together-notation
SPC yard i p org-ready-belongings
SPC k i r org-rich-yank (paste code into a src block)
SPC m i due south org-insert-subheading
SPC yard i t org-set-tags

v.9. Babel / Source Blocks

Besides the fundamental bindings mentioned here information technology is recommended to use the machine-completion layer and its yasnippet fundamental bindings in detail.

Key binding Description
SPC yard b . Enter Babel Transient State
SPC m b a org-babel-sha1-hash
SPC m b b org-boom-boom-execute-buffer
SPC m b c org-babel-check-src-block
SPC one thousand b d org-babel-demarcate-block
SPC m b e org-babel-execute-peradventure
SPC m b f org-babel-tangle-file
SPC m b g org-babel-goto-named-src-block
SPC m b i org-babel-lob-ingest
SPC thousand b I org-babel-view-src-block-info
SPC m b j org-boom-boom-insert-header-arg
SPC g b l org-babel-load-in-session
SPC 1000 b northward org-babel-side by side-src-cake
SPC m b o org-boom-boom-open-src-block-consequence
SPC grand b p org-boom-boom-previous-src-block
SPC 1000 b r org-babel-goto-named-event
SPC m b southward org-babel-execute-subtree
SPC 1000 b t org-boom-boom-tangle
SPC m b u org-boom-boom-goto-src-block-head
SPC m b five org-boom-boom-expand-src-cake
SPC m b ten org-babel-practise-primal-sequence-in-edit-buffer
SPC thou b z org-babel-switch-to-session
SPC thousand b Z org-babel-switch-to-session-with-lawmaking

5.9.1. Org Babel Transient Country

Utilize SPC m b . to enter a transient land for quick source block navigation and execution. During that state, the following bindings are active:

Primal binding Description
' edit source block
east execute source cake
m bound to named source block
j bound to next source block
1000 jump to previous source block
z recenter buffer in window
q leave transient land

5.x. Accent

Fundamental binding Description
SPC grand x b make region assuming
SPC 1000 x c make region lawmaking
SPC chiliad 10 i brand region italic
SPC m x r clear region emphasis
SPC m 10 s brand region strike-through
SPC one thousand x u make region underline
SPC m x v make region verbatim
Central binding Clarification
M-l Ane day frontward
Chiliad-h 1 day backward
M-j One calendar week forward
M-chiliad One week backward
1000-L One calendar month forward
M-H One month backward
Thousand-J 1 year forward
Thousand-K One year astern

five.12. Capture buffers and src blocks

org-capture-style and org-src-fashion both support the confirm and abort conventions.

Key binding Description
SPC yard <dotspacemacs-major-mode-leader-key> ostend in org-capture-fashion
~SPC m '​~ confirm in org-src-mode
SPC thousand c confirm
SPC m a abort
SPC m thousand abort
SPC m r org-capture-refile in org-capture-mode

5.13. Org agenda Cardinal bindings

The evilified org agenda supports the following bindings:

Key binding Description
M-SPC or southward-M-SPC org-calendar transient state
SPC g a org-agenda
SPC thousand , org-agenda-ctrl-c-ctrl-c
SPC thousand c org-agenda-capture
SPC k C c org-calendar-clock-cancel
SPC m C i org-calendar-clock-in
SPC m C o org-calendar-clock-out
SPC m C j org-calendar-clock-goto
SPC one thousand C p org-pomodoro (if bundle is used)
SPC m d d org-calendar-borderline
SPC m d s org-agenda-schedule
SPC m i e org-agenda-set-effort
SPC m i p org-calendar-fix-belongings
SPC grand i P org-agenda-priority
SPC m i t org-agenda-ready-tags
SPC m southward r org-calendar-refile
M-j next item
M-chiliad previous item
G-h earlier view
M-50 later view
gr refresh
gd toggle filigree
C-five modify view
RET org-agenda-goto
M-RET org-agenda-show-and-scroll-up

5.xiii.2. Org agenda transient state

Apply SPC m ., M-SPC or s-Grand-SPC in an org agenda buffer to activate its transient state. The transient state aims to list the virtually useful org agenda commands and visually organize them past category. The commands associated with each binding are listed bellow.

Fundamental binding Description Command
h: set tags org-agenda-set-tags
hA annal org-calendar-archive-default
ht ready condition org-agenda-todo
hk kill org-calendar-kill
hp ready priority org-agenda-priority
hr refile org-calendar-refile
Visit entry
SPC in other window org-agenda-evidence-and-ringlet-up
TAB & become to location org-agenda-goto
RET & del other windows org-agenda-switch-to
o link link-hint-open-link
fc by category org-agenda-filter-by-category
fd delete all filters org-agenda-filter-remove-all
fh past elevation headline org-calendar-filter-by-top-headline
fr refine by tag org-calendar-filter-by-tag-refine
ft by tag org-agenda-filter-by-tag
fx by regexp org-agenda-filter-by-regexp
+ do later org-agenda-do-date-later
- do earlier org-agenda-exercise-date-before
dd set deadline org-agenda-deadline
dD remove borderline org-calendar-deadline
ds schedule org-agenda-schedule
dS united nations-schedule org-agenda-schedule
dt timestamp org-agenda-date-prompt
ta annal org-agenda-archives-mode
tc clocking issues org-calendar-show-clocking-issues
td diaries org-calendar-toggle-diary
tf follow org-agenda-follow-way
tl log org-agenda-log-mode
tr clock report org-agenda-clockreport-way
vd day org-agenda-solar day-view
vm month org-agenda-month-view
vn next span org-agenda-later
vp prev span org-agenda-earlier
vr reset org-agenda-reset-view
vt fortnight org-agenda-fortnight-view
vw week org-agenda-week-view
vy year org-agenda-year-view
cI in org-agenda-clock-in
cj jump org-agenda-clock-goto
cO out org-calendar-clock-out
cq cancel org-agenda-clock-abolish
. get to today org-agenda-goto-today
gd go to date org-calendar-goto-engagement
gr reload org-calendar-redo

5.14. Pomodoro

Cardinal bounden Description
SPC m C p starts a pomodoro

five.15. Presentation

org-present must be activated explicitly by typing: SPC SPC org-nowadays

Key binding Description
h previous slide
l adjacent slide
q quit

5.16. Helm-org-rifle

Key binding Clarification
SPC a o / Search org files for keywords and headings

five.17. Org-projectile

Key binding Description
SPC a o p Capture a TODO for the current project
SPC u SPC a o p Capture a TODO for any given project (choose from listing)
SPC p o Go to the TODOs for the current project

5.18. Org-journal

Key binding Description
SPC a o j f Visit journal file
SPC a o j j New periodical entry
SPC u SPC a o j j Open today'southward journal without adding a new entry
SPC a o j s Search journal entries
SPC a o j t New scheduled journal entry
SPC a o j v View scheduled journal entries

Journal entries are highlighted in the calendar. The following cardinal bindings are bachelor for calendar-mode for navigating and manipulating the journal.

Key binding Description
SPC yard i Insert periodical entry for date
SPC m m Search calendar month periodical entries
SPC grand n Next journal entry
SPC m p Previous journal entry
SPC m r Read periodical entry
SPC one thousand south Search all journal entries
SPC m w Search week journal entries
SPC m y Search agenda year journal entries

While viewing a journal entry in org-journal-manner the following key bindings are available.

Central binding Description
SPC thou j New journal entry
SPC m n Side by side journal entry
SPC m p Previous periodical entry

5.19. Org-brain Application bindings

Key binding Description
SPC a o B five Visualize an org-brain entry
SPC a o B a Go to the org-brain calendar

five.19.2. org-mode bindings

Central binding Description
SPC m B a c Add child
SPC m B a h Add headline child
SPC m B a f Add friend
SPC m B a p Add parent
SPC m B a r Add together resource
SPC k B g grand Go to an org-brain entry
SPC m B thou c Become to child
SPC m B k f Get to friend
SPC m B g p Become to parent
SPC m B R Refile entry
SPC one thousand B x Delete entry
SPC m B five Visualize an org-brain entry

5.19.three. Visualization bindings

Key binding Description
j / TAB Goto adjacent link
g / S-TAB Goto previous link
C-y Paste resource link
a Add resource attachment
c Add child
f Notice/visit another entry to visualize
l Add together resources link
p Add parent
o Open and edit the visualized entry
r Rename this, or another, entry

5.xx. Org-jira

Key binding prefixes:

  • SPC a o J (everywhere)
  • SPC m m j (in an org-mode buffer)
Key bounden Description
[prefix] p g Get projects list
[prefix] i b Open up the current result in a WWW browser
[prefix] i m Get issues
[prefix] i h Go only head of issues
[prefix] i f Get only head of issues from filter
[prefix] i u Update an result at bespeak
[prefix] i due west Progress an event at point
[prefix] i r Refresh an issue at betoken
[prefix] i c Create an issue at signal
[prefix] i y Copy current issue key
[prefix] s c Create a subtask
[prefix] southward chiliad Become subtasks
[prefix] c u Update the comment at point or add together a new comment
[prefix] t j Catechumen the TODO item at point to a Jira ticket

5.21. Verb Verb-mode bindings

Key binding Clarification
SPC thousand r r Send request on indicate in another window, but don't select it
SPC m r due south Send asking on indicate in some other window
SPC m r chiliad Send request on bespeak, show result condition in minibuffer
SPC m r f Transport request on bespeak in selected window
SPC grand r k Kill all response buffers and their windows
SPC m r eastward Consign request on point (prompt for format)
SPC m r u Export request on point to ringlet format
SPC m r b Export asking on point to Verb format
SPC 1000 r v Set value of a Verb variable

five.21.ii. Verb-response-body-style bindings

Key binding Description
SPC m r r Toggle display headers for current response
SPC m r m Kill current response buffer and its window
SPC m r f Re-send current response

v.22. Org-roam

Primal binding prefixes:

  • SPC a o r (anywhere)
  • SPC thou r (in an org-fashion buffer)
Key binding Description
SPC g r c Capture
SPC m r l Toggle org-roam links visibility
SPC m r f Observe node in org-roam
SPC thousand r i Insert node into org-roam
SPC m r thousand Visualize org-roam graph
SPC yard r a Add org-roam alias to file
SPC m r d y Open yesterday's daily annotation
SPC g r d t Open today'southward daily note
SPC grand r d T Open tomorrow'due south daily note
SPC g r d d Open daily note via calendar view
SPC m r t a Add a tag to file
SPC g r t r Remove a tag from file

org-roam buffer

Key binding Description
o Follow link
r Refresh org-roam buffer

5.23. Transclusion

Primal binding Description
SPC 1000 u u Transclude nether cursor
SPC m u U Transclude all in buffer
SPC thousand u d De-transclude under cursor
SPC k u D De-transclude all in buffer
SPC m u l Bench transcluded subtree
SPC m u h Promote transcluded subtree
SPC one thousand u r Refresh transclusion in buffer
SPC chiliad u thou Go to transclusion source

Created: 2022-05-11 Wed 17:xl



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